Grateful Unit
Our grateful unit is inspired by the cherokee culture and phrase otsaliheliga (oh-jah-LEE-hay-lee-gah). “Cherokee people say otsaliheliga to express gratitude. It is a reminder to celebrate our blessings and reflect on struggles—daily, throughout the year, and across the seasons.” Throughout, this unit we incorporated the use of instruments learning a cherokee chant, while also creating pieces of art that are uniquely inspired by their cultures including weaving and paper quilts. To close this unit, students created a book detailing drawings and writing what they are grateful for. These books along with their other artwork were showcased during a family art night where we joined together shared our cherokee grateful chant and created pinch pots.
Books we LOVE!

Grateful Chant
A look at modern Native American life as told by a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. The word otsaliheliga (oh-jah-LEE-hay-lee-gah) is used by members of the Cherokee Nation to express gratitude. Beginning in the fall with the New Year and ending in summer, follow a full Cherokee year of celebrations and experiences.
Students choose body percussion to accompany this chant, inspired by the book We Are Grateful Otsaliheliga by Traci Sorel
Students will be able to:
- Execute simple rhythms using body, instruments, or voice.
- Select vocal and/or instrumental sounds to accompany readings, stories or
- Use music to illustrate how people express themselves differently.
- Some students may have sensory issues; the drumming and chanting may become overwhelming for them. Have noise canceling headphone available for them to use during this project.

This simple weaving project offers a variety of skill-development. Both weaving and sewing help to increase fine-motor strength and hand-eye co-ordination. Students were given a paper plate and cut 6 slits along the sides. Students chose a yarn color and began weaving with the concept that it goes in front of a paper flap and then behind a paper flap.
Students will be able to:
- Practices understanding of words and ideas like over, under, in, out, up and down.
- Use the processes of drawing, painting, weaving, printing, collage, mixed media,
sculpture, and ceramics to create art.
- Recognize key components of art from different cultures.
- To really help beginners, warp with two colors, skipping every other notch with the first color, then warping the empty notches with the other color. This two color warp will help the kids keep track of their overs and unders student.

Grateful Book
We read the book We are Grateful Otsaliheliga by Traci Sorel. After learning the chant and discussing the importance of the changing seasons and being grateful for what is around us. Students created an accordion book including sentences of what they are grateful for, and pictures.
Students will be able to:
- Identify relationships between art and concepts from other disciplines, such as math, science, language arts, social studies, and other arts.
- Recognize key components of art from different cultures.
- Use visual arts to illustrate how people express themselves differently.
- Some students may have difficulty with regular size pencils and crayons have bigger versions available for them.
- Some students may need help with correctly forming letters and sentence structure, please aid them in this by providing the sound of each letter and describing each letter as you write it properly on a separate sheet of paper.

Paper Quilt
Quilting takes on a whole new look with the use of paper media. Students will have the opportunity to create and design their own paper quilt using different patterns and shapes. These papers will become the fabric used to create quilt pieces.
Students will be able to:
- Identify relationships between art and concepts from other disciplines, such as math, science, language arts, social studies, and other arts.
- Use a variety of techniques to create art
- Understand characteristics of the Elements of Art, including lines, shapes, colors,
and texture.
- Some students may have difficulty with regular size pencils and crayons have bigger versions available for them.
Family Art Night
Come learn about Cherokee culture and celebrate our Gratitude Unit at ArtSpace. We will be making and decorating our own Cherokee-inspired pinch pots. Students will also be showing their completed Gratitude books in the
classroom. This will be a chance for all Kindergarten families to come together,
make art, get to know one another and celebrate our community.