Arts integration provides an engaging and effective way to achieve standards in both math and visual arts. It significantly improves retention of key concepts and vocabulary. Through arts integration, students learn how math can be creative, and how art can be analytical. But, and perhaps more importantly, how they BOTH inspire imagination too.

Grab & Count
Students grab a handful of manipulatives, count them, draw the set and write how many items they counted.
Students will be able to:
-count and count out a set of up to 10 objects
-represent quantities with pictures, numbers, objects and/or words
-count and compare
For some, representing information on paper maybe difficult. Suggest they use stamps or stickers to show their handfuls.
English Language Learners:
Preview the terms More and fewer. Practice using the terms with students prior to the activity. Display two sets of connecting cubes. This set has more. Continue the demonstration with the set that has fewer. Provide opportunities for students to identify and use the terms with other sets of cubes

Grab & Measure
Students continue counting and comparing, and discuss strategies for comparing objects to see which is longer. Students grab an object and measure it using a tower of ten snap cubes. They then depict their measurements and object on whiteboards
Students will be able to:
- Compare two objects to determine which is longer
- Use language to describe and compare lengths (long, longer than, short, shorter than, the same, equal to).
- Describe length and decide which of two objects is longer.
Students can become overwhelmed when choosing an object, have a small number of objects for students to pick from.
English Language Learners:
Help students prepare for the discussion that will take place at the end of the workshop by providing time for partners to share the methods they used to compare lengths. Example: Tell your partner how you found the longer/shorter tower

Shape Mural
Students make various shapes, and then use those shapes to make pictures and designs
Students will be able to:
- Make 2d shapes
- Combine smaller shapes to make larger shapes
- Identify and describe the overall size, shape, and features of familiar 2d shapes
- Challenge students to make several 2d shapes, each with a different number of sides (3 sides, 4 sides, 5 sides, 6 sides)
- Challenge students to combine shapes to make larger shapes
English Language Learners:
Using the shape that students chose for their shape picture, have them use a finger to trace around the edge of the shape as you name the shape using this sentence This is a _____ [square]. Have students repeat the name of the shape, and then take turns repeating the completed sentence.

Counting Book
Students read a counting book. After examining how the book is structured, students begin to make their own counting books, with one page for each number, 0 through 10
Students will be able to:
-connect number names, numerals, and quantities
-represent quantities with pictures, numbers, objects and/or words
-make and equivalent set
- For some, representing information on paper maybe difficult. Suggest they use stamps or stickers to show their handfuls.
- Some students are more comfortable counting objects they can manipulate, such as blocks. Encourage them to place one cube or counter on each picture, count the cubes, and then remove the cubes and count the pictures.
- If students quickly draw one group on each page and announce thy have finished, encourage them to add more groups to the pages.

Shape Picture
Students begin to think about two-dimensional shapes as they look for and discuss shapes in their environment. They select a shape and design a picture.
Students will be able to:
- Identify and describe the overall size, shape, and features of familiar 2d shapes
- Relate 2d shapes to real-world (3d) objects
- describe and compare 2d shapes and their attributes
If students have a difficult time getting started, refer to the shape chart we made for ideas of objects in the classroom that students could design a picture around.
English Language Learners:
Using the shape that students chose for their shape picture, have them use a finger to trace around the edge of the shape as you name the shape using this sentence This is a _____ [square]. Have students repeat the name of the shape, and then take turns repeating the completed sentence.

Apple Counting
As part of the seasonal change, we do an apple tasting! We have four different apples that we taste each year. The children color an apple coordinating with their favorite apple they tasted and then we use giant ten frames to count and graph which apple is a favorite among kindergarten. Ten frames are a great resource to use with your child as they help to visually represent numbers and help them gain a strong number sense.
Students will be able to:
- Subitize numbers 1 - 10
- Develop strategies for counting and keeping track of quantities up to 10
- Count and compare quantities
- Some students may not want to try every apple (or any), remember that is okay, encourage them, but allow them the choice. If they do not want to try you can ask them which apple is their favorite to look at and have them draw that apple.
- Students are still developing their fine motor skills, allow those that struggle holding regular sized crayons, pencils and colored pencils the option to use thicker crayons, pencils, and colored pencils.
English Language Learners:
-Have students share the "apple" in their language with the class. They will love sharing apart of their culture.
- using the apple students are tasting have them taste it and share the sentence This is a ____ [ Fuji ] apple. Have students repeat the name back to you and take turns repeating the sentence.